Do you struggle to get your baby to rest properly at night? Unfortunately, no two babies are the same. One baby might sleep all the way through the night with no problems, while another might wake every hour on the hour. There are a few things you can do to help them wind down though. Read on to help your baby:
Get Into a Routine
Babies just love routines. Even if they try to fight their routine, do your best to keep it up. Do this by feeding them, bathing them, and putting them down at the same time each night. Try to keep everything to a schedule as best you possibly can.
Play White Noise
White noise is a very gentle, natural sound that can help babies drift off to sleep. You could even try to use the whirring of a fan, or another relaxing noise to get them fast asleep. Different things can work for different babies. Yours might prefer to listen to you sing. Try out different things and see what soothes them best.
Put Them Down When Still Awake
Rather than cuddling your baby until they fall asleep and then putting them down, put them down while they are still awake but drifting off. If you don’t, you could get them into the habit of falling asleep in your arms. This will be very hard to break!
For your baby to be comfortable, they need to be the right temperature. Make sure their cot is just right, and that the temperature of the room is OK. They are much more sensitive to heat and chills than we are, so be mindful of where you have places their cot and how warm the room is.
Stop Them from Scratching
Babies scratch. It’s a fact of life. This can lead them to hurting themselves if we are not careful. Stop your baby from scratching by using eczema clothing and similar garments.
Wean Them off Their Pacifier
You don’t need to wean your baby off their pacifier completely, but you do need to be sort of smart with it. If they fall asleep with it in, chances are it’ll come out several times during the night. When this happens, they’ll wake up and cry. Listening to them cry can be horrible, but if you keep going in to give them it back, they won’t be able to settle without it. If you let them cry it out, they should be able to fall asleep with it and then they won’t need it again. Plus, when they get to around 8 months, they’ll be able to grab it themselves anyway.
Fingers crossed, this guide will help you to get your baby to sleep better at night. It’ll take a few tries and a little consistency, but you’ll get there in the end. By avoiding getting your baby into bad habits now, you’ll experience much smoother sailing later on. Good luck, and leave any of your own foolproof methods below!
Babies just love routines. Even if they try to fight their routine, do your best to keep it up. Do this by feeding them, bathing them, and putting them down at the same time each night. Try to keep everythingthebabyguides