Wednesday 18 November 2015

3 Fantastic Family Holidays With A Difference

We might be in the midst of winter, but now is the perfect time to start planning your family holiday for next year. As all parents know, family life can be expensive, so when it comes to money, we are always looking for ways to save. By booking your family vacation sooner rather than later, you can save yourself a good amount of money.
While booking your holiday in advance is a great idea, it can sometimes be hard to know where to go on vacation. If you are bored of all the regular family destinations, you are probably on the lookout for somewhere a little different.
To help you plan a fantastic family vacation with a difference, here are three amazing destinations to consider:
kayak kid.jpg
1. Malta
For families with young children - two to six years old, Malta is the perfect location. The island of Malta is fantastic for families are they have plenty of child-friendly sights and attractions. The best thing about taking a trip to Malta is the fact that most of the island can be explored on bikes. So you can keep the kids busy for hours. (You’ll find plenty of bike hire shops dotted around the island.)
The tranquil waters of this amazing place, also mean that it’s ideal for snorkeling. Sealife lovers can spend hours fish watching in the crystal clear seas, or on the beach building sand castles. The surprising thing about this destination is that it’s only a three-hour plane ride. So for families with young children, it's manageable.
2. Slovenia
Are you a family that loves adventure? Yes, then a trip to Slovenia could be perfect for you. Nestled in central Europe, this small country is known for its impressive lakes and mountains. As well as it’s amazing recreational activities.
If you’re an active family, this destination is perfect for you. There are plenty of activities for families in Slovenia, from rock climbing and whitewater rafting to kayaking. As well as the many activities on offer, Slovenia also boasts many beautiful towns.
3. Turkey
If you have older kids - 11 years plus, then Turkey could be the ideal travel destination for you. Kas, one of Turkey’s coastal towns is the perfect place for a vacation, as it has everything that your family could need. From beautiful hotels and restaurants to stunning beaches and blue seas, Kas has it all.
For kids 12 years and older, a holiday to Kas gives them the opportunity to get a scuba diving qualification. Starting with a taster session, if your child enjoys diving, they can then build up to getting their qualification. As well as offering lots of activities, this coastal area is also perfect for relaxing.
Instead of the usual family holiday locations, for a trip with a difference, consider one of these destinations. After a couple of trips, beach holidays start to get a little boring, don't you think? Mix things up a bit by choosing a destination that has the beach, plus others things on offer.

Monday 16 November 2015

A Guide to Helping Your Baby Sleep Better at Night

Do you struggle to get your baby to rest properly at night? Unfortunately, no two babies are the same. One baby might sleep all the way through the night with no problems, while another might wake every hour on the hour. There are a few things you can do to help them wind down though. Read on to help your baby:

Get Into a Routine

Babies just love routines. Even if they try to fight their routine, do your best to keep it up. Do this by feeding them, bathing them, and putting them down at the same time each night. Try to keep everything to a schedule as best you possibly can.


Play White Noise

White noise is a very gentle, natural sound that can help babies drift off to sleep. You could even try to use the whirring of a fan, or another relaxing noise to get them fast asleep. Different things can work for different babies. Yours might prefer to listen to you sing. Try out different things and see what soothes them best.

Put Them Down When Still Awake

Rather than cuddling your baby until they fall asleep and then putting them down, put them down while they are still awake but drifting off. If you don’t, you could get them into the habit of falling asleep in your arms. This will be very hard to break!


For your baby to be comfortable, they need to be the right temperature. Make sure their cot is just right, and that the temperature of the room is OK. They are much more sensitive to heat and chills than we are, so be mindful of where you have places their cot and how warm the room is.

Stop Them from Scratching

Babies scratch. It’s a fact of life. This can lead them to hurting themselves if we are not careful. Stop your baby from scratching by using eczema clothing and similar garments.

Wean Them off Their Pacifier

You don’t need to wean your baby off their pacifier completely, but you do need to be sort of smart with it. If they fall asleep with it in, chances are it’ll come out several times during the night. When this happens, they’ll wake up and cry. Listening to them cry can be horrible, but if you keep going in to give them it back, they won’t be able to settle without it. If you let them cry it out, they should be able to fall asleep with it and then they won’t need it again. Plus, when they get to around 8 months, they’ll be able to grab it themselves anyway.

Fingers crossed, this guide will help you to get your baby to sleep better at night. It’ll take a few tries and a little consistency, but you’ll get there in the end. By avoiding getting your baby into bad habits now, you’ll experience much smoother sailing later on. Good luck, and leave any of your own foolproof methods below!

Wednesday 11 November 2015

I Love Making Crafts With Children In Winter (And You Should Too!)

Summer is over, and the cold weather has arrived. Unfortunately, that spells the end of long evening walks along the beach. The family will be forced to spend a lot more time indoors over the coming months.

As a modern parent, keeping your children entertained in a productive way is difficult. Make no mistake, a little time in front of video games never hurt anybody. But you don’t want to see your little ones constantly using their laptops and other electrical goods. You need to find an alternative. Making crafts could be your secret weapon.

Building crafts together is a great way to spend winter days together. Not only does it allow you to spend time with your little ones, but it also gives you a chance to monitor their creativity and other key skills. More importantly, though, it can be a lot of fun too.

This idea can be tailored to suit various purposes. You could use those end products as the finishing touches while decorating their room. Not only does it create a unique vibe, but it helps the child feel like they’ve had an active role in creating the new bedroom. In turn, this could make the transition to new surroundings smoother.

However, adding a little character to the bedroom isn’t the only option. With Christmas fast approaching, it could be a great way to help the children build a special present for their grandparents or friends. After all, it’s the thought that counts, and this is very much within the festive spirit.

Alternatively, these funky Christmas decorations are a fantastic idea too. Not only will they brighten up the home this festive season, but they can remain a part of the family traditions for many years to come.

The possibilities for ideas are endless, which should ensure that you find a project to keep your child entertained. Moreover, if you have several children, it’s a fantastic way to encourage group activities. This can be key for improving the sibling bond while also developing crucial skills.

One of the best reasons to use crafting as a winter activity, though, is that it is very safe. As long as you offer adult supervision at all times, not much can go wrong. Using hot glue sticks from Glue Guns Direct can enhance those safety features too. After all, it’s easier to keep your eye on a glue gun rather than counting an entire pack of nails.

Last but not least, crafting is a lot cheaper than various other activities. This is a great feature at any moment, but it’s something that all parents will appreciate at this time of year. Winter is already an expensive period without the need for spending huge sums on entertaining the kids. When you also take the list of other benefits into account, it’s a no-brainer.

Besides, the feeling that your child will gain upon completion is something that no amount of money can buy. Essentially, if you’ve got young children, crafting is an item that should be high on your winter agenda.

Essential Guide To Buying Your First Pushchair

Choosing your very first pram is both an exciting but daunting task. With thousands of options to choose from it can be difficult to know which one is the right one for you and your child. As with anything, there will be current favourites each year, which claiming to be the best. This can lead new mothers into buying a product that just isn’t right for them. Follow this essential guide to help you buy your first pushchair, knowing it’s the right choice for your bundle of joy and for you to use.

Listen to other parents
Being a first-time mum can be challenging enough as it is. Even more so when you feel you have to buy every single piece of baby equipment available on the market. It can be overwhelming the amount of stuff that you think you need for your baby. But in reality you probably don’t need it all. Your pushchair is likely to be one of the more expensive items, so you need to choose carefully. You don’t want to buy one and regret it later. This can be a waste of time and money you could have put to better use. Visit parenting and baby sites and read reviews made by other parents. Take particular notice of reviews from parents who have a similar lifestyle to you. Learn from their mistakes and avoid pushchairs that won’t be suitable.

Consider your lifestyle
This is another major step in the process. You need to think seriously about how your pushchair will need to adapt to your lifestyle. Do you need something that can easily fit in your car’s boot? Do you live in an apartment or a cottage? Will you baby be sat in their pushchair for long walks or journeys? Once you’ve thoroughly analysed your daily life, you should now be able to fit a style to compliment you and your baby’s needs. It shouldn’t be too hard to narrow down the choices now you have this in mind.

Choose practicality over style
Practicality should always be a priority over aesthetically pleasing. Your pushchair may look good, but can it tackle tight corners? Is it light weight? Can it be dismantled easily? These things are what will make your life easier. Fortunately, there are pushchair suppliers who are producing fashionable options for the modern mum. So they are nice to look at and functional. Just be sure that you don’t get sucked into buying a pushchair purely on it’s appearance. You will regret it in the long run as it may not be as durable or versatile as you might think. Look for a pushchair that has comfort, portability and lightweight features first. Consider the look afterwards. Remember you can always buy decorative pushchair raincovers and fixtures. These can add some personality and colour to your pushchair and optimise its practicality.

You should now be ready to go out and find your ideal pram. Learn from other’s mistakes and avoid pushchairs with bad reviews. Keeping your baby safe should become before anything else. There’s plenty of options to choose from so I’m sure you’ll find exactly what you need with little trouble.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Why New Mums Need To Relax

I remember the last two to three months of pregnancy being the start of it all. I was worried the baby would come early. And then I was worried he would come late, leaving me waddling in this awful discomfort forever! Finally, labour started. Next thing I know, I’m stressing out instead of engaging with this beautiful experience. I was frightened the contractions would carry on for hours when I was convinced I couldn’t handle even one more.

Of course, all this anxiety is normal and common for any first-time mum. And as soon as they’re born, you’re worried that you’re doing it all wrong, or that your milk isn’t good enough, or that you won’t be able to stop them crying. Most of these fears and stresses are hormone related. The rest is caused by sleep deprivation. So don’t be afraid to hand Bub over to Hub for a couple of hours. You’ve earned the break!

While I was big and pregnant, I found our bed to be so uncomfortable. There wasn’t enough room for a start. I think one of the most important things to invest in when you are about to embark on the journey of Motherhood is a good bed. Creating a relaxing Mummy space is so important, and I think that space needs to be the bedroom. For a start, you’ll be sharing that room with your baby in the first few months.

A comfy king size mattress, some good quality pillows, and blackout curtains are a must for any new Mum’s bedroom. You need to be able to escape there for a break when you need one. And you need to be able to sleep as often as you can in the beginning. A lack of sleep leaves you tired, grumpy and emotional. You end up unable to focus or gain any clarity of thought. Mistakes can happen. Trust me when I say that sleeping whenever Bub is asleep is essential!

Stress in new Mums is common, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Stress and anxiety can cause problems with breastfeeding. Some say your newborn can detect you are upset and will become upset themselves. Getting snappy at your Hub can cause problems in your relationship. It might make him feel like an outsider in the family, and helpless to be able to support you as husbands should.

Make a space and a time in your home for relaxation. Even if it’s only for thirty minutes, you need to be able to shut yourself away and breathe. Meditation, Yoga, or just soaking in the tub listening to music can be really good for the soul. When you are refreshed, you will feel better able to tackle all the challenges that come with Motherhood.

Sometimes it’s not easy to get a timeout from your newborn. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family to help you take care of your baby. After all, we used to raise children in the community long ago. It’s still the favoured way for many cultures. Take care of you to make sure you can be the best Mum you can be.